Yukon Tourism Development Strategy update
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on the draft Yukon Tourism Development Strategy, which presented a vision for Yukon to be a vibrant, sustainable component of Yukon’s economy and society for the benefit of future generations.
We are working with the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Steering Committee to develop a strategy for Yukoners, developed by Yukoners, to sustainably grow tourism and your feedback is essential to this process. Our goal is to develop a strategy for Yukon and we couldn’t do it without your help.
We will share your comments, along with the feedback from other Yukoners, with the Steering Committee to help inform the final strategy and action plans. We expect this final strategy will be recommended to the Government of Yukon later this year.
Thank you again for sharing your opinions.
Minister's Message
Welcome to the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy website.
The time is right to take tourism to the next level. To explore what is possible and decide together how we get there.
Our goal is to develop a Yukon strategy – not a Yukon government strategy.
It all starts with you.
It is important that everyone sees themselves in this new vision going forward.
Together, we will develop a made in Yukon strategy to sustainably grow tourism in the territory.
Minister of Tourism and Culture

How we got here
The Government of Yukon is committed to supporting a strong and growing tourism sector because we all benefit when the industry succeeds. This is why we are working to develop a new Yukon Tourism Development Strategy to sustainably grow tourism in Yukon.
At the end of July 2017, a roundtable was held as a first step towards creating the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy. The turnout was strong – 49 individuals representing 11 organizations, one municipality, seven First Nation Governments, three First Nation Development Corporations and five Yukon government departments participated.
A key takeaway from the roundtable was the recommendation to create a Steering Committee to help guide and move the strategy forward. Government acted on this recommendation, and the committee met for the first time on November 17, 2017. For more information about the Steering Committee and its members, click on the People tab.
The Winter Tourism Summit on December 8, 2017 was the next step in the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy process. At the Summit, participants engaged in discussions about the challenges, opportunities and trends facing the industry. This valuable information will feed into the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy.
Participants at the Summit also had the opportunity to pilot the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy public engagement module, and share their thoughts about how it could be improved. This feedback was integrated into the engagement prior to its launch.
From February to April 13, 2018, through a series of community engagements and through an online platform, Yukoners were invited to share their thoughts on sustainably growing tourism in the territory. This feedback is informing the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy. Reports from community meetings can be found under the Documents tab.
Over 500 Yukoners shared their thoughts through an online survey, through formal submissions, or in-person at one of our 55 engagement sessions. In total, we received over 12,000 comments about how to sustainably grow tourism in the territory.
These comments have been reviewed and condensed into a What We Heard Summary Report that outlines the core values and ideas Yukoners put forward. To learn about what was said in your community, read the community specific What We Heard reports.
Yukoners were asked to share their thoughts on the draft Yukon Tourism Development Strategy until October 3, 2018. The Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Steering Committee are reviewing this feedback and working to finalize a final strategy which we expect they will recommend to the Government of Yukon later this year.