About this project

As the Independent Expert Panel, we are looking at what recommendations we can make regarding changes and improvements to the health and social programs and services available in Yukon. We want to talk to you about how we can do the following:

  • Improve the quality of health and wellness of Yukoners.
  • Ensure patients, clients, families and providers have positive experiences.
  • Provide better value for money.

Working together, we have to figure out how we can better allocate our existing resources (people and money), improve services, make things more efficient and find creative solutions to meet our needs today and tomorrow.

To do that, we need to hear from Yukoners about their experiences using our health and social systems.

Get Involved


Complete short 4 question survey

Participate in an online discussion with Yukoners

Tell us your thoughts and ideas, by completing our short, 4 question survey

Share your thoughts on the questions we have asked Yukoners.

Join the discussion on Civicly.


Fill out a questionnaire and send it to us.

Share your thoughts on the questions we have asked Yukoners.

Fill out a paper questionnaire or fillable pdf copy.

Get your copy from Health Centres and Territorial Agents in your community. You can also call us at 1-867-667-8205 or 1-800-661-0408. ext 8205 or email healthreview@gov.yk.ca and we can mail or email you a copy.


Meet with us in person

Open houses for this spring have now concluded. Additional public meetings and opportunities to provide input will be available this October and November.


Meet with us in person

Contact us at 1-867-667-8205 or 1-800-661-0408. ext 8205 or email healthreview@gov.yk.ca to set up a meeting for this fall 2019.

First Nations governments, community and volunteer organizations, and non-governmental organizations, health care providers.

What’s happening right now?

Right now, we are gathering information about the kinds of things we should be thinking about as we undertake a review of all health and social programs and services. We’re hosting an online discussion board for Yukoners, as well as meeting with First Nations governments, health and social program and service providers and non-government organizations that are providing services directly to you and your neighbours. We are gathering information between now and the end of the summer.

After that, we will put together a summary of everything we learned and share it with you.

We will meet with Yukoners in communities right across the territory to gather your ideas about how to make things better and talk about what matters to you. Those meetings will happen in October and November.

Once we have your ideas, we will make recommendations to the government on how to improve the quality of the system and provide better value for money.

How can I get involved?

As part of that information gathering, we want to hear from you about what’s working well and what’s not working well.

We want to hear your creative ideas about how we can get better results for all Yukoners and how we can be more efficient.

We want to talk about how we decide what to spend our money on, recognizing that as Yukon grows, our programs and systems will have to grow too in a manner that is sustainable.

Complete our new short survey. Participate in the online discussion board, fill out a fillable pdf questionnaire or complete a paper questionnaire, available at the following locations:

  • Health centres
  • Territorial agents
  • Main Administration building
  • Call 1-867-667-8205 (1-800-661-0408 ext 8205) or email healthreview@gov.yk.ca and we will send you a copy.

We need your help

Building a better system can only happen if we are all participating in the conversation. Change is hard but we are committed to bringing forward real ideas that will have a positive benefit for the Yukon. Join the conversation about how to improve the health and social services programs and services in Yukon.

Related Information

Link to Scope document:
