Thursday, May 2, 2019 - 16:35

Part 2: Primary health care and delivery models

When Yukoners are not feeling well, an easy option is to go to the emergency department. Sometimes this is the best choice, but it is also the more expensive option in our system. The emergency room is designed to provide specific emergency care, and often cannot fully address the needs of Yukoners using it instead of more appropriate health care options like walk-in clinics, substance use services, doctors’ offices or other hospital programs.

When Yukoners feel unwell, or when they are looking for information and supports on wellness, where else could people go for these services?

What type of providers should be available to meet with?

What kind of programs or options do we need to keep people healthy in the community, before they need to go to a hospital?


John Glynn-Morris
Engagement Process Support


Monday, May 13, 2019 - 10:45
some sort of wellness option, we used to be able to depend on our annual physical, or general discussion with nurses in the you have to have a reason....someone to help advocate and triage all your stuff would go a long way. the FN folks in our community have a community care facilitator who helps set up the paperwork and the travel, an ombudsman, advocate, someone to help organize the medicanstuff....can the average yukoner access that? maybe then we wouldn't wait so long to get into que and maybe we would know what que to get into, as one ages it seems yunare dealing with one issue and another crops up andnyou are on your own to figure it out. maybe the nurse practitioner will be able to help with this? right now some yukoner have access to advocate andnhelp and some don't.
une sorte d'option de bien-être, nous pouvions dépendre de notre discussion annuelle physique ou générale avec les infirmières de la communauté .... maintenant vous devez avoir une raison .... quelqu'un pour aider à défendre et à trier toutes vos affaires irait un long chemin. les membres des PN de notre communauté ont un facilitateur de soins communautaires qui aide à organiser les formalités administratives et les déplacements, un ombudsman, un défenseur, quelqu'un pour aider à organiser les médicaments ... est-ce que le yukoner moyen peut y accéder? peut-être que nous n'attendrions pas si longtemps pour entrer dans le que et peut-être que nous saurions dans quoi le devenir, à mesure que l'on vieillit, il semble que vous ayez à résoudre un problème et un autre surgit et vous êtes seul pour le découvrir. peut-être que l'infirmière praticienne sera en mesure de vous aider? en ce moment, certains yukoner ont accès à un avocat et à une aide, d'autres non.
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