Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 12:00
Living standards
Living standards is one of the eight domains under the Canadian Index of Wellbeing.
What do you think about these indicators: which do you like and not like, and for what reason?
Are we missing any key indicators under this theme for Yukon?
- After-tax median income of economic families ($2013)
- Gini coefficient (income gap)
- Percentage of persons in low income based on low income cut-off (LICO)
- Percentage of households that are moderately or severely food insecure
- Percentage of labour force employed
- Percentage of labour force in long-term unemployment
- CIBC index of employment quality (1994 QI=100)
- Housing affordability based on Shelter Consumption Affordability Ratio (SCAR)
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Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 23:38
Clean water?
Eau propre?

Monday, April 29, 2019 - 21:21
Good point Kpor. It is easy to overlook the importance of clean water.
Bon point Kpor. Il est facile de négliger l'importance de l'eau propre.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 02:11
How will you represent the First Nation population with these indicators? On reserve, or off reserve, a First Nation person's living standards are assessed by a cultural standard different than their's. How can you represent living standards adequately, when a significant group of people, due to their culture, will not be seen in the percentages? How can we address the stark difference, and inadequaciies with regard to living standards, when a significant group is not represented in percentages?
Comment représenterez-vous la population des Premières nations avec ces indicateurs? Dans les réserves ou hors réserve, le niveau de vie d'une personne des Premières Nations est évalué selon une norme culturelle différente de la leur. Comment pouvez-vous représenter adéquatement le niveau de vie, quand un groupe important de personnes, en raison de leur culture, ne sera pas vu dans les pourcentages? Comment faire face à la nette différence et aux insuffisances en matière de niveau de vie, lorsqu'un groupe significatif n'est pas représenté en pourcentage?
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